Monday 19 September 2011

Battle against sleepiness - round 1

Travel tip - if you want to quickly clear New Zealand customs, all you have to do is chat up the agents about rugby. It helps if you are clueless about all aspects of the sport so they can chuckle at you. Go Eagles, I guess! (the customs agent looked up the US team for us since we were so clueless, I guessed the Grizzly Bears). Everyone finds it hilarious that we've never been to a rugby match and yet have come all the way here to attend the world cup. Eh, we are just THAT patriotic.

So we landed, got our rental, and took off for the hotel armed with a dying phone for GPS directions, a car that randomly whistles - sparking fears that a wheel is about to fall off - and Ian's constant tendency to turn on the windshield wipers whenever he wants to signal a turn. The rental company helpfully put a "stay left" sign on the dashboard - I'm just saying, thank goodness the gas and brake pedals are the same!

Our hotel is really neat - we've got a laundry room (too bad we have all of 2 pieces of soiled clothing so far), TWO queen-sized bedrooms (in case things go badly at dinner perhaps?), free breakfast, free wireless, and a free ferry to Auckland city centre. By the time we check in, I'm ready for bed. But Ian convinces me to rally enough for the ferry. We went over to Auckland's CBD and Waterfront district for some food - got a tasty fish burger (they do this curry mayo thing with fruit on top as a spread -- Waaay superior to tartar sauce!). Ian took this shot outside the Waterfront restaurant of the cool giant boat and me warming my hands underneath.

And with that, it's time to catch the last ferry back to the hotel and hit the sack. Old trees and black beaches tomorrow!

Location:Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand

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